Disability Gymnastics
Hinckley Gymnastics Club
Where: Claredon Park Gymnastics Centre
- Hinckley, Roston Drive, LE10 0UQ (Closest post code)
- When on Roston Drive, drive to the end of the road through the yellow gate into car park. The gymnastics Centre is based in the North of Clarendon Park which is at the end of Roston Drive. The Gym is a large Green building visible from the public car park at the end of Roston Drive.
When: Saturdays 9:30am - 10:45am
Age Groups: Ages 7 plus (or private tuition for ages 5 plus)
Cost: £28 per month (1 hour of gymnastics), fees paid online monthly
Coaches: SEND trained
- Coaches adapt every activity around the child's physical, sensory and learning requirements. Mainstream classes can be adapted to include people with a physical or learning disability, sensory impairments or health conditions, but there are also dedicated classes if you'd prefer to start with this
- Email: mitch.edwards@iflip.org
- Phone: 07958 611312
- Disabled access
- Disabled parking
- Disabled toilet access
Supported needs:
- Cognition and learning
- Sensory impairments
- Learning difficulties and learning disabilities
- Physical conditions or disabilities
Website: https://www.iflip.org/disabilities