
Let's Get Moving 2023 Active Awards

Posted: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 10:44

Let's Get Moving 2023 Active Awards

Let's Get Moving 2023 Active Awards was held at Hinckley Rugby Club on Thursday 18th January, where over 120 people braved the cold to celebrate the community with us.

Our guests ranged from young athletes just starting their careers, up to those who have dedicated over 30+ years to their local communities. Let's Get Moving Active Awards celebrated people from a range of activities; from football, rugby, golf, swimming, horse riding, dance, basketball and sailing. We also celebrated those who have spent time volunteering and who have made inclusive and supportive environments.

Councillor Mark Boolls announced the winners, chosen from over 60 nominees. He presented the trophies to the well-deserved winners, thanking them for their hard work and dedication over the last year. He stressed that people like our winners and nominees make this community a wonderful place, without whom a lot of local opportunities would not exist. Every single nomination was submitted by people who think the work done is important and has made a difference in theirs or their loved one's lives, which is always worth celebrating.

A big well done to all, with special thanks to Hinckley Rugby Club for the use of the venue and to Sport in Desford for their input and support in selecting the winners.

Finally, thank you to our partners over at Active Together - Let's Get Moving, for sponsoring us and allowing us to recognise the local community and their achievements.

Tags: 2023 Sport, Active Together, Awards, Celebration