Disability Water Sports
Leicestershire Sailing Association
Where: John Merrick's Lake, Watermead Country Park, Wanlip Road, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE7 1PD
Age Groups: Juniors and Adults. Some of the groups LRYSA work with include:
- The 3rd Age - retired men and women
- Achieve With Us - children and adults with learning difficulties
- Mosaic - Sailability project allowing disabled people to sail a dinghy or learn how to sail a dinghy. More info below.
- Sketchley School - specialist support for boys and girls aged 8-19 who are on the autistic spectrum, and have challenging behaviour as a result of their communication difficulties and a lack of social understanding
Coaches: fully-qualified and SEND trained
- Email: info@lyrsa.org.uk
- Phone: 01455619347
- Disabled access
- Disabled parking
- Disabled toilet access
- For what to expect, to bring, to wear etc: https://www.lrysa.org.uk/sailing/
Supported needs:
- Autism
- Cognition and learning
- Learning difficulties and learning disabilities
- Physical conditions or disabilities
- Social or emotional
Website: https://www.lrysa.org.uk/lrysa/
Staunton Harold Sailability Trust
Where: Staunton Harold Reservoir, Calke Road, Melbourne Derbyshire, DE73 8DN
Age Groups: Juniors and Adults.
Coaches: fully-qualified and SEND trained
Cost: £5 donation per session or £10 annual membership
- Email: sailability@shst.org.uk
- Offer activities and facilities to meet every need including sailing, powerboats and onshore
- Disabled access
- Disabled parking
- Disabled toilet access
Supported needs:
- For children and adults with any form of disability
Website: http://shst.org.uk/
Hinckley Swimming Club
Where: Hinckley Leisure Centre, Argents Mead, Hinckley, LE10 1BZ
When: Tuesdays and Sundays - https://www.hinckleyswimmingclub.co.uk/page/session-times/202
Age Groups: Juniors and Adults.
- NOTE: Hinckley Swimming Club hosts no disability sessions on their own, but they do have many members with disabilities who attend the mainstream sessions
Coaches: All coaches have completed a disability swimming CPD and all Level 2 coaches have experience of SEND. There is always an assistant for those with additional needs
Cost: monthly fees (must be registered to Swim England) - https://www.hinckleyswimmingclub.co.uk/page/fees/366
- Email: hinckley.sc@googlemail.com
- Disabled access
- Disabled parking
- Disabled toilet access
Supported needs:
- Learning disabilities
- Motor disabilities
Leicester Penguins - Leicestershire Disability Swimming
Where: Bosworth Academy, Desford, Leicester, LE9 9JL
When: 7-8pm
Age Groups: Juniors and Young Adults.
Cost: monthly fees plus registered to Swim England
Coaches: The club is headed by Swim England Level 1 and 2 teachers and coaches
- Email: leicester.penguins@swimclubmanager.co.uk or Jill Stidever - stidev@aol.com
- Disabled access
- Disabled parking
- Disabled toilet access
- No hoist
Supported needs:
- Learning disabilities
- Physical disabilities
- Sensory disabilities
- The club is able to provide a sheltered environment where swimmers become happy and safe in water. Every swimmer has the opportunity to swim for social, fitness and competitive targets and move to their local clubs as they progress.
Leicestershire Autistic Society
Where: Bosworth Academy, Desford, LE9 9JL
When: Every Saturday of the year, 2-4pm, apart from Bank Holiday Weekends
Age Groups: Children / Young person with ASD
Coaches: SEND trained
Cost: Free. Sessions paid for by LAS/Miracles to Believe In.
- Phone: John Brotherhood: 01455286167 OR 07896519816
- Disabled access
- Disabled parking
- Disabled toilet access
Supported needs:
- Autism
Website: https://www.leicestershireautisticsociety.org.uk/las-support-activity-groups/
Free Swim at Hinckley Leisure Centre for those registered disabled, or if you are in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment
Where: Hinckley Leisure Centre, Argents Mead, Hinckley, LE10 1BZ
When: You can access this during any lane swim, family swim or just swim, however you cannot prebook. This is for all ages. Below is the link for the website where you can view the swim timetable.
Age Groups: Juniors and Adults
Lifeguards: There will be at least one trained lifeguard on pool
Cost: Free
- Email: enquiries@hinckleyleisurecentre.org OR jordanspink@pfpleisure.org (Jordan Spink - Placemaker Manager)
- Phone: Jordan Spink (Placemaker Manager) 01455610011
Website: Free Swimming – Places Leisure